
Mathematica 11.2
Mathematica 11.2

mathematica 11.2
  1. #Mathematica 11.2 update#
  2. #Mathematica 11.2 code#

Check if a set of points is positively oriented, negatively oriented, collinear or coplanar with PositivelyOrientedPoints, NegativelyOrientedPoints, CollinearPoints and CoplanarPoints, respectively.Test convexity and compute the convex hull of any region with ConvexRegionQ and ConvexHullRegion.Artistically fill 2D graphics primitives with LinearGradientFilling, RadialGradientFilling and ConicGradientFilling.Represent 2D geographic regions with GeoPolygon, a new GeoGraphics primitive.ParallelAxisPlot creates parallel coordinate plots.Mathematical Lamé functions LameS, LameC, LameSPrime, LameCPrime, LameEigenvalueA and LameEigenvalueB for solving boundary value problems for Laplace's equation in ellipsoidal and spheroconal coordinates.Improved support for elliptic functions, including addition of the JacobiEpsilon and JacobiZN (Jacobi zeta) functions.Test for various function properties with FunctionInjective, FunctionSign, FunctionContinuous, etc.Find solutions to robust optimization problems with RobustConvexOptimization and to parametric convex optimization problems with ParametricConvexOptimization.Solve general convex optimization problems with ConvexOptimization.New theories and properties added to AxiomaticTheory.

#Mathematica 11.2 code#

  • Improve code debugging and tuning with new EchoEvaluation, EchoLabel and EchoTiming functions.
  • Conveniently select dates from date intervals or lists with DateSelect.
  • #Mathematica 11.2 update#

  • Use ApplyTo (//=) to apply a function to a variable and update its value.
  • mathematica 11.2

    New x|->f syntax for defining pure functions with named variables.CheckArguments and ArgumentsOptions help check for valid positional and optional arguments in function definitions.Use Enclose and Confirm to write code with more robust error handling.Submit batch jobs for asynchronous evaluation on external computation providers with RemoteBatchSubmit and RemoteBatchMapSubmit.Analyze spatial data and work with point processes with new spatial statistics functions such as SpatialPointData, RandomPointConfiguration, MeanPointDensity, PointCountDistribution and more.New PDE modeling framework for solving a wide variety of partial differential equations both symbolically and numerically.Represent a biological sequence such as DNA with BioSequence and perform operations on it with functions BioSequenceTranscribe, BioSequenceComplement, etc.The function Around has been reimplemented and is now significantly faster.New data structures added: " ImmutableVector" and " KDTree".Control the overall appearance of Dataset output with DatasetTheme.Support for Java, Octave and system shells added to ExternalEvaluate.Improvements to several import and export formats and additions of new formats such as SAS7BDAT, DTA and POR.New computational chemistry functions including MoleculeName, MoleculeSubstructureCount and MoleculeAlign.Implemented SystemsModelControllerData, generated from control design functions with rich data needed to connect and analyze the closed-loop system.Parse date strings using locale, time zones and more with FromDateString.Improved video processing capabilities, including addition of VideoRecord, VideoTimeStretch, VideoInsert and VideoReplace.Generate different kinds of videos with AnimationVideo, SlideShowVideo and FrameListVideo.Test whether geometric objects satisfy given properties or relations with GeometricTest.Change the representation of a region with CanonicalizeRegion and RegionConvert.MaterialShading allows for realistic rendering of surface material.

    mathematica 11.2

  • New AxisObject to represent a generalized quantitative axis.
  • DSolve now solves any linear system of ODEs with rational function coefficients and any linear ODE with q-rational function coefficients.
  • Solve and Reduce now support systems of transcendental equations.
  • New framework for the construction and manipulation of symbolic trees.
  • Display a graph plot with geographic vertices on a map with GeoGraphPlot.
  • Plot lines through 3D data with ListLinePlot3D.
  • Plot streamlines for vector field functions and vector field data with StreamPlot3D and ListStreamPlot3D.
  • Compute the bilateral or double-sided Laplace transform and its inverse with BilateralLaplaceTransform and InverseBilateralLaplaceTransform.
  • mathematica 11.2

  • Carlson elliptic integral functions have been implemented, as well as the Fox H-function.
  • Get direct solution values for equations with SolveValues and NSolveValues.
  • Finance, Statistics & Business Analysis.
  • Wolfram Knowledgebase Curated computable knowledge powering Wolfram|Alpha. Wolfram Universal Deployment System Instant deployment across cloud, desktop, mobile, and more. Wolfram Data Framework Semantic framework for real-world data.

    Mathematica 11.2